Sixth Lord's Day after Pentecost

A couple Saturdays ago, your session spent the day making plans for the upcoming months in our church’s life together. Over the summer, we have taken a break from Sunday school and our weekly fellowship brunches. One of the reasons for this break was to create some space to consider how to best organize things on Sunday mornings.

Our continued growth as a congregation strains the current fellowship space at Christ the King. In the past, we have had a monthly time of fellowship with our “extended brunch”. In an effort to maintain fellowship opportunities while recognizing the limitations at church, we have decided to take a different approach. This summer, various “parish-style” fellowship events are being organized for our congregation. These types of events will continue into the fall and winter months. Look for emails, keep an eye on the church calendar and please plan to join in for these events.

The plan is for Sunday school to return in September. I will be teaching through the Ten Commandments with the adult class. I am also working on finding and/or developing a curriculum for the younger classes that will focus on Scripture and catechism study.

I look forward to worshiping with you all on Sunday and the return of Sunday school soon!

In Christ,

Pastor Hansen

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