Twelfth Lord’s Day after Pentecost

Christ the King Family,

I mentioned in last week’s newsletter some tentative plans concerning the return of Sunday School and the start of a weekly ladies Bible study. Since then we have filled out some more details:

Sunday school classes will start back on Sunday, September 8th. There will be classes for nursery aged children, children ages 4-7, and children ages 8-12. Older children will join the adult class. Soon we will begin to ask for member volunteers to help serve in these Sunday school classes. Look out for more information in the coming weeks.

Our weekly ladies Bible study will begin on Wednesday, September 11th, 2024 at 9:30 in the morning. For this Bible study, I will be teaching through the Gospel of Matthew each week. Childcare will be provided during the Bible study.

A lot of things will be starting up at Christ the King Church soon. Please be in prayer for our church in the coming weeks as a lot of details will still need to be sorted out.

I look forward to worshiping with you all on Sunday!

In Christ,
Pastor Hansen
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