First Lord's Day in Dominiontide

Christ the King Church,

This week marked the beginning of our twice weekly Bible and Music instruction that is offered to our children at Christ the King Church! Both mornings began at 8AM with a 30 minute Matins service followed by splitting the children into two groups for Music and Bible instruction.

With the younger children, I am focusing on memorizing biblical building blocks that will serve them well as they grow in their understanding of God’s word in the coming years.
With the older students, I am working on helping them grasp the big picture of the Bible. I also hope to ground them in a baseline knowledge of the whole Bible. I’d love for all of our older students to be able to answer the question if they were asked, “What’s the book of Numbers about?” or “What happens in 2 Kings?”.

This Bible and Music instruction is open to anyone at Christ the King on Tuesdays and Thursday mornings. If you would like your child to participate in one or both days please don’t hesitate to reach out to me so we can plan for you to join us!
Continuing a common trend, we will have yet another baptism this Sunday! Thus far in 2024 we have had over TWENTY baptisms! This is a very exciting and encouraging season for our congregation. God’s covenant faithfulness is from everlasting to everlasting and his mercies extend to a thousand generations.

As you witness and celebrate the baptism of Zechariah Roderer this Lord’s Day, I encourage you to remember that you have been baptized and to consider God’s faithfulness. In baptism, God promises to save his people just as he saved Noah and his family through the Flood and saved Israel through the Red Sea. Zechariah can stand firm on God’s promises to him in baptism and so can all who have been baptized.

As always, I encourage you to look over the liturgy in preparation for the baptism as the congregation will be asked to take a vow. Additionally, looking over the liturgy ahead of time will help to prepare you and your family to sing and participate more fully.
I look forward to worshiping with you all on Sunday!

In Christ,

Pastor Hansen
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