Seventh Lord's Day after Pentecost

It has been a busy month for our church in regards to membership and baptism. Since Easter, Christ the King has received 5 new households into membership and had 9 baptisms. It is an exciting time for our church community!

As our congregation grows it is important that we take on a high level of intentionality regarding our fellowship with one another. As new households join our church, I encourage you to reach out and find ways to be in fellowship with one another beyond Sunday morning worship.

One of the ways we are trying to encourage such fellowship is through the fellowship events that are being organized around Greenville this summer. These gatherings are spread out geographically to make it easier for our church to enjoy fellowship with one another. At the same time, these events are open to the whole church so feel free to attend any of them regardless of where you live.

Details for these events and any future events will always be in this newsletter and on the church calendar on our website.

I look forward to worshiping with you all on Sunday!

In Christ,

Pastor Hansen
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