Tenth Lord's Day after Pentecost

Christ the King Family,

I am once again writing this newsletter from Birmingham, AL, while I attend the Trinity Term intensive of the Theopolis Fellows Program. The intensive began last week and will continue through this Friday. The Trinity Term program focuses on Bible teaching (while the Epiphany term focuses on Liturgy). Thus far, I have the privilege to sit under the teaching of Peter Leithart, Alastair Roberts, Jeff Myers, and Mark Brians. Additionally, each day of study concludes with a music practicum led by Paul Buckley. Thus far all of our classroom time has been very stimulating.

While I’ve enjoyed this time of intensive learning and engaging fellowship with the other participants in the program, I am looking forward to being back in Greenville at Christ the King this coming Lord’s Day! Joe Harrell will preach for us once again and I will lead through the liturgy and preside at the Lord’s Table.
What’s more, we have a baptism scheduled for this Sunday. You’ll notice in this week’s liturgy that Eloise Dixon will receive the sacrament of baptism. With the baptism of an infant, we ask the congregation to take a vow to support the parents in the Christian nurture of the child.

I encourage you all to look over the liturgy to prepare your hearts and minds to enter into God’s presence to worship our God and king!

In Christ,
Pastor Hansen
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